Friends After Diagnosis is a local nonprofit that supports women
with cancer and men with breast cancer:
They provide support group meetings, direct and personal services, wellness programming as well as chemo kits to women during chemotherapy-all free of charge. The kits hold lots of good things that a chemo patient might want during her infusion time, such as:
Sudoku, crossword, or similar puzzle book
Decks of cards
Container of small candies (i.e. peppermint)
Sample size hand lotion
Handwipes / Sanitizer
Personal size Kleenex tissues
Scarves or turbans
Non-skid short socks
Mechanical pencils
Fancy pen (with feather, etc.)
Small journals
Carmex lip moisturizer
Your AAUW Board of Directors has donated these things over the summer, and Friends After Diagnosis made up the kits and added our logo to the bags, as you can see above.
The project was so well received by chemo patients that Friends After Diagnosis is requesting help from our entire membership. Please bring these items to any AAUW meeting and drop them off in our bins. Or, if you’re going to be near the airport and want to drop them off, call Carolyn Nelson, Executive Director of Friends, at 772.770.9700 to find a convenient time to do so at Friendship House, 3404 Aviation Boulevard.
If you prefer to donate money rather than goods, please make the check out to Friends After Diagnosis and put “Chemo Kits” in the memo line. Together our contributions will fill lots of chemo kits!