Linda Barker is our President, serving a third term through June 2025. She conducts the business of AAUW Vero Beach and oversees all AAUW activities conducted by other Board officers. She represents our branch in Florida AAUW and is responsible for ensuring our compliance with 501(c)(3) and Florida laws. Together with other Board officers, appointees, and committees, she maintains our organizational integrity, runs Board meetings, ensures the quality of our events and fundraisers, and reaches out to the Indian River County community.
Here's an Opportunity!
The Executive Vice President role is currently open. The term is one year through June 2025.
This role (also known as President-Elect) assists the President in the above responsibilities for one year. She backs up the president and takes on one or two major projects and then moves into a two-year term as President.
Deborah Shackelford is our current Treasurer, serving a two-year term through June 2026. The Treasurer is the chief financial officer of the branch and ensures the fiscal health of the organization, compliance with all Federal and State laws, and the retention of our 501(c)(3) status. She keeps the organization's electronic records, prepares the budget, processes dues, donations, and invoices, and gives the Treasurer's Report to the Board every month. She also collects mail at our P.O. box and directs applications and event registrations to the appropriate members.
Here's an Opportunity!
The Assistant Treasurer role is currently open. The term is one year through June 2025. The Assistant Treasurer assists the Treasurer in the above responsibilities for one year and then serves a two-year term as Treasurer.
Judith Morales is the current Membership VP, serving a two-year term through June 2026, and is responsible for our efforts to recruit and sustain a diverse, active branch membership. She and the Membership Committee address all aspects of the membership “lifecycle”: They attend all events, set up an attractive membership table, welcome guests, answer questions, and maintain a list of guests and prospective members. They send out event brochures and applications, assist with publication of the annual Member Handbook and host a New Member event. New members are sent welcome letters and are interviewed to determine how their interests and aspirations can align with the branch’s activities. Current members are contacted about renewing their membership as their renewal dates approach. The branch’s electronic membership records are kept current and in sync with National’s database.
Recording Secretary
In this role, Charlotte Jones attends all Board of Directors, executive committee, and branch meetings to document the proceedings in the official meeting minutes and maintains these records for the branch. Charlotte is serving a two-year term through June 2026.
Director for Governance
In this role, Kathleen “Kyp” Wasiuk ensures that AAUW Vero Beach meetings are conducted in accordance with the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order. She is also responsible for keeping the AAUW Vero Beach bylaws and policies in conformity with the AAUW national and state bylaws. Kyp is serving a two-year term through June 2026.